Nominate a Use Case

Do you have or know of a use case of participatory governance you’d like to submit for consideration in this toolkit? If so, we invite you to fill out the form below.
a participatory governance process to solve a problem by a community using a tool

    1. What is your name?

    2. What is your email?

    3. What is your organizational affiliation (optional)

    4. Are you submitting a use case you have personal experience with?

    For example, you were a participant or organizer of the process in the use case, you were or are a member of the community, or you spent
    time researching this use case. If yes, can you elaborate your role?

    5. We use this formula to describe a use case:
    Use Case = a {participatory governance process} to solve a [problem] by a *community* using (a tool)

    The order of these elements can be arranged in any sequence. We also acknowledge some Use Cases do not have specific tools, and some
    Use Cases may address such systemic problems, and they can be hard to explicitly name with satisfaction.

    For example:
    a {participatory budgeting process} to [allocate capital funds] by the *youth of Boston*
    The *town of Bellpuig, Catalonia* using the (Aragon Vocdoni platform) for a {referendum}
    {Participatory mapping} using (Mapeo) by *Indigenous peoples* to address [land grabbing and resource exploitation]

    Can you please try to describe your use case with this formula? Please do not aim for perfection - we just want to get an idea!

    6a. What is the use case attempting to do? (Choose all that apply).

    6b. Can you please share more about how the Use Case attempts to do this?

    7. Please provide any documentation or online links, if available, about the use case.

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